My dear brothers and sisters, Allah has blessed us with this invaluable opportunity of Ramadhan, an opportunity through which we can secure the forgiveness of Allah, and Jannah. Every second is priceless and is not to be wasted, and once a second is gone, then nothing and no one can bring it back. The enemies of Islam know this very well, and they CANNOT let it happen. They cannot see you and I doing good and getting closer to our Creator, forming an unbreakable bond and connection with Him. For this very reason, the enemies of Islam have organized something which will distract us, something that will ensure that this Ramadhan, this golden opportunity, goes to waste, down the drain. What I am referring to is nothing other than the LONDON OLYMPICS.
Remember, these olympics have been custom designed to distract the attention of THE WHOLE WORLD, MUSLIMS AND NON MUSLIMS ALIKE so that they can carry on with their sinister agenda unhindered. They know that they have succeeded in making the populace into a mere herd of dumb cattle completely in their control, and whose attention they can direct to where they fancy.
At this very moment, how many Muslims globally will be glued on to their tv sets, their eyes fixed on the half naked men and women jumping around on the screen, forgetting that this is Ramadhan, oblivious of the fact that they are obligated to perform salaah, too busy to even glance at the dusty Quran on the shelf.
Is this how we thank Allah for blessing us with such a great bounty? What if we don’t see another Ramadhan. What if this is the only chance, and we’re wasting it away in sin and disobedience. Remember, just as good deeds are multiplied in this month, so are sins.
Just imagine someone lended to us his money making machine, in which you feed in normal paper and money comes out from the other side. He lends it to us for exactly 30 days, not a second more. Tell me, would we rest FOR EVEN A SECOND in those 30 days? No, we would use all the time we have to make as many green notes as possible, forgetting everything else, eating, drinking, and even sleeping!! We’d be literally swaying with intoxication at the rustle and smell of the notes! What about Ramadhan then? Through this machine, how much can we make in 30 days, a million, a couple of million maybe, but what will we take with us when we leave this world? Not a dime or a cent. Whereas, an good deed we do in Ramadhan is stored away for us as reward, to stay with us for ETERNITIY!!

Objective continued

Ok, let’s carry on where we left off (was feeling very sleepy, had to take a nap!).

The way I want to carry out this objective is to make this blog into a lighthouse which sends beams into the dark oceans of ignorance and deceit, to create an awareness and an awakening to the reality which has escaped the masses, or has been hidden from them. The truth needs to be told, and the truth will prevail, and the propogation of truth is our responsibility, whatever it costs us.

In the Quran, Allah says, “And Say, the truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Verily falsehood is bound to vanish.”

So, want to know the truth and help spread it?

The once pure and pristine picture of Islam has been muddied beyond recognition by the mass media which is in control of a secret elite society that is bent on uprooting and demolishing the very foundation of Islam, in establishing a new world order in which chaos will be the name of the game, to herald in the coming of their leader, and god, the Dajjal, the one eyed messiah whose coming is not too long away.

This society has been accomplishing its objectives for many hundreds of years, using a myriad of clandestine methods known to only a few. We will try to expose these methods, which directly connect to all of humanity, not just Muslims.

For this reason this blog has been created, and what we encourage from you are questions. About anything and everything in Islam, what it is, beliefs, or any jurisprudal ruling (fiqhi mas’ala).

For any person problems or difficulties, you can write to us on our email address,

We will regularly keep posting up information regarding this, what we are going through in the world today, and possible solutions.

What I want from you, the reader, is to please comment and tell me what you think about this, any ideas you might have, whatever it is. We have to work together. This is not a one man show.

Now I know you must be wondering who’s “I” and “we”!!

Ok, you already know my name (I hope. If you don’t, just peek at the right side of the screen and you’ll see it)

As far as qualification to start such a blog and answer questions is concerned, then yes, I don’t really know much. However, I have done the “Alim course” (islamic scholar) at Madrasah Arabia Islamia (Islamic University of Azaadville, South Africa) and Jamia Islamiyyah (Islamic University of Lusaka). So, we’ll try to do what we can do to help, and play our part.



The primary objective is to be of service to humanity at large. How, you may ask? By trying to break open the intense darkness ignorance that is blanketing the world today with the rays and beams of knowledge. Such knowledge which can be a means of salvation for the entire human family, a means of extracting mankind from the abysses and pits hedonism in which it wallows, in which it has been entrapped by its enemies. The knowledge of Islam.

This blog is for Muslims and Non Muslims alike. What we will try to do is clear the ominous clouds of deception that hover on our horizon today, clouds created by those who do not want us to know the truth. Understanding the reality of the world we live in, the problems we face, and the solutions to them, is something very few have. We have to create that awareness in all about what we are really going through today, that all is not what it seems to be. Everything around us is a deception, a web of deceit woven very carefully by our enemy, so that for our entire lives on this earth, we’ll stay caught up in this web, not being able to get to the reality of life, about why we are here, why we exist.

More in the next post.